Taking The Stress Out Of Relocating

Relocation – a word typically synonymous with feelings of stress, exhaustion and apprehension. No sleep, no time, no motivation. Sound familiar?

Taking The Stress Out Of Relocating

Even if the move signifies a positive change and you know it’s for the best, home relocation can be a stressful time for anybody. Uprooting ourselves from familiar places and people is not something we voluntarily do every day, simply because it involves stepping outside of our comfort zone.

With this step comes a host of unanswered questions. Perhaps you are having second thoughts or are feeling some sadness about what you are leaving behind? That’s ok. Doubts don’t necessarily mean the relocation isn’t the right decision for you in this moment.

It is normal to worry about change and what hasn’t happened yet, especially if you haven’t undertaken a house relocation before, or in a very long time.

Whether you are relocating to a new city, state, country, or just down the road, it takes time to settle yourself and your belongings into a new abode.

Keep reading for our top tips on how to navigate the stress and make the most of a fresh start.

Preparing to Relocate

Preparing for the Relocation


  1. Plan ahead and set realistic goals

If you have the luxury of knowing that you are going to move house in advance, start early. Leaving all of your packing, cleaning and moving until the last minute will undoubtedly multiply your stress levels.

Allocate double the time you think you’ll need for each aspect of the relocation, and don’t bite off more than you can chew. As soon as you know your relocation date, make a timeline and work back from there. Start by spending one hour each day sorting through your belongings, and then slowly increase from there as the weeks roll on.

  1. Create a checklist of everything you have to do

A checklist can offer some much-needed order amongst the chaos of relocating, by allowing you to keep track of the endless details and decisions.

It will also provide you with a sense of achievement each time you complete and tick off an item. Whether it’s labelling boxes or remembering to water the plants, it is important to celebrate the small and big wins.

On your phone or in a notebook, keep the checklist on you at all times so that when you think of something you can quickly jot it down and remove it from your mind.

  1. Make a list of things that excite you about your new house or location

A bigger backyard? A nearby bike path? Local restaurants or cafes? Closer to friends and family? Whatever it may be, write down some things you are looking forward to post-relocation and stick it up somewhere you will see it every day. This exercise will keep you motivated through the moving process, and remind you there is light at the end of the tunnel on those days when you have just had enough.

  1. Invest in quality moving boxes

The last thing you want when relocating is having boxes fall apart on moving day, and valuables damaged, or worse, lost, due to the quality of your packing materials. Browse our range of moving packs and packaging essentials for the secure transportation of your items.

  1. Paperwork

There is a fair bit of paperwork involved in a house relocation. Don’t dismiss this task; sit down and spend some time taking care of this before you start the physical move, so as to not misplace important documents. Cancel water and electricity, submit a mail redirection, apply for license change of address, and organise new internet setup.

Moving with friends

During the Relocation

  1. Leave a sanctuary space in your house

Whether it is your favourite chair or a couple of cushions, keep a space in your house that is just for you to go and switch off from the relocating chaos when you need to. Leave this area unpacked until the last minute to give you a reason and reminder to practice self-care during this hectic time in your life.

  1. Stick to your daily routine

Maintaining your daily routine is crucial for a smooth transition from your current home to your new adobe. Don’t cancel on your gym class; show up, sweat it out and make time for your ritual coffee afterwards.

  1. Review your workload

Take a moment to check in with yourself and your workload. Perhaps you may need to take a day or two off work – request for leave and make the most of your day off.

  1. Ask for help

You don’t have to do it all on your own. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends and family to help you pack up your belongings, in return for a meal or drinks.

More hands make for lighter work, plus it’s bound to make the gruelling task a little less overwhelming, and dare we say, enjoyable than if you were doing it all on your own.

If you’re moving more than a few streets away, a working bee can also double as a goodbye catch-up, giving you a chance to spend time with people you are leaving behind.

Alternatively, you can employ a house moving service or relocation company to pack everything up for you. The moving costs will be well worth the amount of time and manual labour they save you. View our Local Suppliers directory for a state-based breakdown of companies that specialise in all things moving.

  1. Pack your items room by room

Sort and pack your items by the room they belong to. Keep all of the kitchen items in one box, bathroom, living room and so on. Then, label or colour code each box with its respective room name. This will make it easier for your friends or the removalist company to know where to put your boxes in your new home. Plus, this will make the unpacking process much more efficient by sparing you the panic of opening every single box to find what you are looking for.

Can’t take everything with you to your new place? Keep your excess belongings safe and secure in a short- or long-term storage unit.

  1. Acknowledge and accept your emotions

Acknowledge and accept the way you are feeling in order to move forward. Relocation is a stressful time so don’t beat yourself up if you are not in a good mood every day.

Moving Truck

Settling In

  1. Unpack your favourite items first

Make it a priority to unpack and display your favourite ornaments, paintings and décor first to make your new adobe feel like your own. This might seem like an unnecessary activity, but it will make the world of difference to your mindset.

  1. Create an unpacking timeline

Just like you did prior to your move, sit down and plan the unpacking process with the same level of importance. Review your boxes and place them on a list in order of more to less essential. For example, if you know you’re ordering take away, don’t prioritise your pots and pans. Unpack the things you know you’ll need on a daily basis – phone charger, dishwashing liquid, toilet paper, hairbrush etc. Don’t feel overwhelmed or obligated to have your entire home set up in one day – take it at your own pace.

  1. Reward yourself

Take some time to give yourself a pat on the back. Relocating is a huge task and you just completed it. Now, go and make your way through that list of things you were looking forward to about your new destination.


Book a storage unit and browse our range of moving products to take the stress out of your next relocation.

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